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十米设计 | 健身房设计 | YOUNG HOUSE健身中心

2022-05-25 17:06

拒绝封闭感和钢铁般的冰冷感,打破沉默,始见希望之光,YOUNG HOUSE来了。

Refuse to feel closed and cold as steel,Break the silence and see the light of hope,young house here.

“ young house”,就是一个打破沉默与冷漠的场所。“实”的包裹与“虚”的突破,协调着张力与美的平衡;互动的、好奇的、安静的、热情的、探索内心本真的自在的空间。

"Young House" is a place to break the silence and indifference. The wrapping of "real" and the breakthrough of "virtual" coordinate the balance of tension and beauty; Interactive, curious, quiet, passionate, explore the inner space of the real free.


目光随着条形灯光漫进到器械区;那远处的大树,它支撑着庭院的整片天 ,在大树下的庭院中健身,带来的是一种回归生命本原的气息。

Eyes follow the strip lights into the equipment area; The big tree in the distance supports the whole day of the courtyard. Exercising in the courtyard under the big tree brings a breath of returning to the origin of life.